
  1. Users may not be trained by other users. Users attempting a new (to him/her) experiment should discuss it with the Facility Director first.
  2. ALWAYS check the schedule before entering the lab and disturbing current users. It is extremely annoying to explain that the instrument is reserved and will not be available.
  3. NO food or drink in the Facility. Spills can dirty keyboards (if you are lucky) or damage instrumentation.
  4. NO sample preparation. There is no hood, sink, or benchtop available. Use your research lab.
  5. KEEP metal away from magnets.
    • Metal pulled toward the magnet could result in a quench.
    • Common metal items are tools, gas cylinders, chairs, 3 ring binders, keys, boot shanks, and steel toed shoes.
    • Small metal items can get inside the bore and degrade the shim (e.g., jewelry, paper clips, staples, and thumbtacks)
  6. DO NOT wear gloves in the Facility. The chemicals you are protecting your hands from will contaminate the keyboard.
  7. Watches and credit cardsshould be removed before approaching the magnet- as the field may ruin them.
  8. If a sample tube breaks in the magnet, contact the Facility Director immediately.
    • It may be possible to save your sample.
    • Damage and downtime will be minimized by prompt cleaning.
    • Corrosive or highly toxic samples should be run in thick walled tubes, or tubes with Teflon liners.
  9. Instrument usage: See the schedule page.
  10. The sign up sheets are posted on Fridays. Users may reserve as much time as needed, except:
    • One person may not schedule two instruments simultaneously without permission.
    • Users may not schedule time during open times.
    • Users must schedule time at least 1 hour before the planned start time. The current user must be informed if you sign up during their time. (Example: User X is signed up for 12:30 -2:30. You decide to start a run at 2:30. You must sign up before 1:30 and tell user X. If you sign up before 12:30 you would not need to inform X.)
  11. If you do not need your reserved time, take your name off the schedule so other can use it.
  12. DO NOT start an experiment 5 minutes before someone else's reserved time. You cannot finish in that time frame and are infringing on his/her time.
  13. DO NOT let an experiment continue into open time.(An unattended experiment will be stopped.)
  14. Late Policy
    • Users have 15 minutes after start time to show up (for short runs).
    • For reserved times of overnight or longer, users have 1 hour to show up.
    • After that, the reservation may be canceled.
  15. Users may take advantage of any un-reserved time. However, it is a good idea to sign up for that time so no one else takes it. (This is the one exception to policy 9.3)
  16. NO processing when someone else is running. Use the data station.
  17. It is rude to sit and wait for someone to finish except during open times.