
  1. Only authorized users will be permitted to use the spectrometers.
  2. Users may not train other users. All new users must be trained by a NMR Facility staff member.
  3. No sample preparation in the NMR Facility. There is no hood, sink, or benchtop available for use. Please use your research lab.
  4. NMR samples should be properly labeled and should be removed when your experiment is finished. Any samples left sitting around will be disposed of properly. Please do not leave unlabeled NMR tubes in the Facility.
  5. No food or drink is allowed in the NMR Facility.
  6. Please respect instrument reservations. Spectrometers can be reserved using the Faces Scheduling System (http://faces.ccrc.uga.edu). If you are more than 15 minutes late for your reservation, you forfeit your time and others may use the instrument. Please do not run into other user’s time.
  7. If you break something, please tell a NMR Facility staff member ASAP. You won’t be in trouble (accidents happen). The only way for things to get fixed is to let a staff member know, and many problems can and will get worse if left unaddressed.
  8. Please keep all ferromagnetic objects away from the spectrometers. This includes staples, paperclips, and most tools. It’s also a good idea to keep credit cards, cellphones, and laptop computers away from the spectrometers.
  9. Please clean up after yourself. Thank you!


Any questions or concerns, please see Anne Rachupka.
Her office is in B76, and her email is arachupka@unm.edu.
Updated 7/17/2024