Scheduling Information
Both instruments are available 24/7 to trained users.
As of 2/20/24, we are using an online reservation calendar (Faces).
Login with group: UNM_NMR
Reservation Rules for all instruments:
- Reservations are allowed 1 week in advance
- Users are allowed 8 future daytime and 4 nightime appointments per instrument
- Daytime "prime time" is 8am-5pm - maximums: appointment time 15min, 4/day
- Daytime 5pm-midnight - maximums: appointment time 1 hour, 4/day
- Nighttime - maximums: appointment time 8hr, 1/night
- Same day reservations can be made
- Please cancel your appointment(s) if you cannot make it.
Tuesdays are maintenance and nitrogen fills; always check the posted schedule.
Liquid helium fills often render the instruments unstable for a few hours, these times will be blocked.
Special experimental situations may be discussed and reserved by facility manager.
Conflicts / Walkup Guidance
- Courtesy pays - communicate with other users.
- Same day reservations can be made - "walk-up" use is fine, but go ahead and reserve the time so others can see that the instrument is in use.
- If you arrive for your reserved time and previous user has not finished - try to resolve politely. If needed contact facility director.
- Please report scheduling abuses to the NMR Staff.
Reduction of privileges at the facility director's discretion will occur upon any of the following:
- Repeated failures to cancel unneeded time.
- "Gaming" the system by making reservations for someone else - each user must make and use their own appointment reservations.
- Failure to rapidly report abnormal instrument or lab conditions to NMR Staff.